There are many decisions to make when you are installing new gutters on your home. Gutters can be made from different materials, including steel and aluminum. Gutters can also be painted or coated. Gutters can have seams or can be seamless, and the width of the gutter trough can vary. Deciding which gutters are ideal for your home can be challenging, which is where a great contractor comes in. A gutter contractor can help you select the gutters that are best suited for your home. Here are a few of the various factors that a gutter contractor looks at and considers when recommending a gutter width for your new gutter system.
The Roofing Materials You Have on Your Home
One of the factors that are looked at when determining the width of the gutters that should be installed on your home is the type of roofing materials that are on your home. For example, concrete or ceramic tile roofs hang over the edge of the roof, while asphalt shingles do not. As such, if you have roofing materials that protrude further from the side of the home, you need gutters that are larger and deeper, as water will fall further away from the home.
The Average Amount of Rainfall For Your Area
Another factor that is considered when a gutter contractor recommends a gutter width for your new gutters is the average amount of rainfall for your area, and how much rainfall tends to fall at once. If you live in an area that has heavy downpours, your gutters may need to hold more water than someone who lives in an area where it does not rain a lot at one time. The wider gutter troughs are, the more water they can hold.
The Style and Aesthetic of Your Home
Lastly, a gutter contractor will look at the style of your home and consider the aesthetic and look of the gutters. If gutters protrude out too far, they can look out of place and affect the overall look and feel of your home. A contractor wants to find a gutter that will hold enough water to fulfill its perfect, without looking bulky or too large for your home.
Selecting the right gutter width for your home is important. If your gutters are too narrow, the gutter may not be able to hold enough water and carry it away from your home. If the gutter is too wide, there is more room for the gutters to fill up with residue and debris. A gutter contractor can look at the factors listed above and help you select the gutter width that makes the most sense for not only the functionality of the gutters but the aesthetic and design of your home as well.